Data sheetEtibor-48 is a granulated or powdered product, crystalline white and odorless. Etibor-48 is the most common form of sodium borate used in the industry. It is slightly alkaline. The most tangible advantage of using Etibor-48 is that, in addition to having physical-chemical aspects comparable to those of Borax Decahydrate, Etibor-48 has a relatively higher Boron content per unit of mass compared to Borax Decahydrate. Etibor-48 is also less hygroscopic. It is slightly alkaline in solution. Applications:
- Fluxing agent
- Buffering agent and water softener
- Soap and detergent formulas
- Agriculture
- Pesticide formulas
- Inhibit corrosion
- Glass and Ceramics
- Fiberglass insulation
- Lubricant
- Anti-freeze
- Adhesives
- Fire Retardant